3 pics @ PC, she was cranky to d max. Below-right; 2days after that.
Antz have bitten nadirah's face and left hand while she was sleeping last Sunday. Argh. Kesiyan giler. Looks like kene dera, serious. I've checked and checked thousand times but couldn't find a single ant on the bed. Unless the ant can fly laa. Alhamdulillah her swollen face and hand are getting better and better by day. I actually cried when I looked at her puffy face, I just wish the antz bit me instead of my HnyB. We brought her to Doc Yazid at E&PC, PCMC on Sunday night when her condition became worst a.k.a her left eyelid has enlarged. Monday morning, Abi went back to Sgmt and Mummy amik EL to take care of HnyB.
Rewind 1x
Last Saturday we attended Gilok's wedding at Seremban. To my surprised, his bride is my friend from KMYS days, Zana. What a small world. During Gilok's bujang days, we lived in the same block at Jasmin. Nadirah was super good, rengek sikit2 je but manageable. These are her pictures, sleeping while Abi was eating scrumptious nasik minyak and gulai lemak daging salai. (my fav!) Look at her, pandai posing mase tido. I really enjoy looking at her when she's asleep coz she'll do lots of funny poses.
the brideS and the groomS + sleeping beautyAhh.. i love wedding.
sapekah zana assie? tidak dpt ku'recall' sapekah orgnye from gambar itu. huhu..
ohh, lg satu assie, software ape ko gune utk edit gamba nadhrah nih?
Kesian si budak comel nih. huhu. Alhamdulillah dah ok. :)
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