Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Zoo!

Nope, nadirah is due to have a visit to the zoo. She lovessss animals! So far she only has seen real cats, birds, dogs (I think) and hmm..hmm.. dat's it???? Oh yaaa, chicken!! Chicken in the kitchen! :-D

This is what we do for this week. Flash cards all over the wall. Not really. Just 10. But everywhere. Theme: The Zoo. I used the Flip Cards from Your Baby Can Read. So as we walk into the house, she'll see COW - and I'll flip the card and there's a big brown cute cow greets nadirah - Hello Cutiee!

Ahh, I enjoy doing this. B-) It's good to change the method of learning once in a while. I think she's tired already with LR on the laptop screen and YBCR on tele and conventional method of flashing the card (or is it me who's getting bored doing that again and again? Prolly yes)

Abi, when are we going to start with the Math Dot Card. Penat Abi tampal2 sticker from 1 - 100 dots! isk isk.. She's almost 8 months already.. huhu. Time flies.

Ah yes, to all, it's the last 10 nights/days in Ramadhan. Just a reminder to myself: Do maximize, double, triple, quadruple our effort to seek for forgiveness from Allah. Rugilah kita jika Ramadhan ini berakhir tanpa mendapat keampunan dr Allah dan dilepaskan dari seksaan api neraka.

Hadis Rasulullah daripada Ibnu Mas'ud RA:
Seandainya umatku mengetahui apa yang ada di dalam bulan Ramadhan, nescaya mereka akan berharap agar sepanjang tahun itu adalah Ramadhan.
HR: Ibn Khuzaimah

Rasulullah bersabda:
Barangsiapa bangun malam untuk mendirikan solat dalam bulan Ramadhan disertai iman dan kerana ingin memperoleh perkenan (redha) Ilahi, dosanya akan diampuni.
HR: Bukhari

Moga Allah pilih kita untuk mendapat keampunan dariNya, kebaikan yg ada dalam bulan barakah dan keredhaanNya dunia akhirat. Amin.

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