Thursday, November 19, 2009

Duct Taped

Nadirah, Mummy love you so much. I'll drop everything in a dash whenever I heard you crying for me. But there are times I feel like duct taped you to the wall with Harmony so that I can get important task done like preparing your porridge in the morning and solat. Don't get me wrong dear, I adore you more than anything [bagi kategori bayi;bak kate Abi] but please spare your precious serak voice and stop crying unnecessarily. I'm not gonna leave you locked up in the house alone with your hairy sister.

Having said that, Mummy really love the "Most Wanted"-feeling-treatment that you give me for the last 10 short months. I'm surely will miss this moment later when you cry less and play more and make friends and go to school and staying in boarding school and getting married. Uwaaaa.

Ok dear, do whatever you feel like doing now.



azya said...

i cudnt help myself to smile bila baca ur entry ni..hehe :)

Mummy Nadirah said...

Hehehe. When is your big day babe? Will I be getting the card ;-)

azya said...

hehe. coming soon,in another 2 weeks *nervous*.
my reception is on 11th Dec (friday nite). nak jemput la ni,tp kad dah habis la sayang. jemput pakai FB invitation boleh? dunno la u active ke idak ngan FB..
btw..that fri is public holiday for selangor. not for KL. kalau tak sempat nak mai pun, bleh dtg groom side kat shah alam je..
confirm with me eh, nanti i invite u at FB..