Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nadirah's 4th day at school was her last.

When I took her home that day, her body was "dedar". I still drag her to Kauthsar that night for Tarawikh prayer. She refused to play with her usual friends at the surau and remained intact with Mummy.

We didn't stay for tazkirah after Tarawikh because she was too cranky and Kakak Hasanah couldn't handle her cry anymore. I put her to sleep early and knew that I won't be sending her to school the day after. Ibu Mai came over that night after the tazkirah. She passed to my mom remedy for Nadirah, prepared by Ayah.

Before Azan subuh, Ibu gave me a call.

"Mummy, (she calls me Mummy and I call her Ibu) Nadirah macam mana? Ok ke?"

"Semalam badan dedar sikit, sekarang macam dah ok cuma tinggal batuk."

"Mummy hantar Nadirah rumah Ibulah hari ni. Ibu dah buat istikharah. Dari semalam nak telefon Mummy tapi dah malam sangat. Doalah Allah beri kekuatan pada Ibu. Ini sudah takdir Allah pada Ibu."

"Ok Ibu, hari ni Mummy hantar Nadirah rumah Ibu."

That conversation ended her school days.

Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.

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