Alhamdulillah, the 11 pariwisata have safely landed at LCCT on Thursday evening. Bandung is fun, seriously! I keep on bugging MrJ to come back to Bandung as soon as we can. It's a great escape from the hectic life, Subhanallah.
Shopping wise, yes, the man/women/baby branded wear are much more cheaper than here. But most of them are Made In China. (Even if they claimed it's made in Paris) We even found the exact same match of what we bought in China last July @ Bandung. And of course, China is way cheaper. Super Duper Cheap. I'll blog about Bandung in the next entry insya-Allah.
From the 3 of us, Salam Aidiladha and safe journey to all!
To Imah, Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Are you smarter than the 5th Grader?
Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being:
Left Brain | Right Brain |
46% | 54% |
You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. (that's how I memorized my biology text book for SPM) You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. (yes, very true! and often left frustrated when people couldn't comprehend what I'm thinking) The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger(askar wataniah?), athlete(batu seremban), beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.
I've taken this test and the result is predictable, I mean I know I'm slightly slanted to the right brain than the other. That explains why I'm still stuck in a highly technical unit and at the same time occupied with my part time job of make-up-ing VP's power point presentations and doing 5S decoration. (I'm a beautician, craftsman and artist) I'm not whining, just trying to swallow the reality.
You can take yours here. It's pretty accurate. At least to me.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
“Wahai Nabi (Muhammad)! Kobarkanlah semangat para mukmin untuk berperang. Jika ada dua puluh yang sabar dia antara kamu, niscaya mereka dapat mengalahkan dua ratus orang musuh. Dan jika ada seratus orang (yang sabar) di antara kamu, niscaya mereka dapat mengalahkan seribu orang kafir, kerana orang-orang yang kafir itu adalah kaum yang tidak mengerti.” Al-Anfal:65
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Yang demikian itu karena sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah suatu nikmat yang telah diberikanNya kepada suatu kaum hingga kaum itu mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri. Sungguh Allah Maha Mendengar, Maha Mengetahui." Al-Anfal:53
Ujian Flash Card
Petang semalam Nadirah ada ujian Flash Card. Sambil duduk di atas belakang badan Abi, Mummy pun menayangkan kad-kad dari set Baby Einstein. (gambar-gambar daripada DVD Baby Wordworth - First Words Discovery Cards)
Kad-kad yang berjaya disebut oleh Nadirah (adapun sebutannya pelat tetapi hampir bunyinya dikira lulus) adalah seperti berikut:
1. Cat (sejak azali, haiwan kegemaran malar hijau Nadirah)
2. Dog (sejak azali selepas cat, pagi semalam menangis mahukan dog yang sedang woof woof di tepi jalan)
3. Ball (apa sahaja yang bulat dipanggil ball, termasuk watermelon)
3. Ball (apa sahaja yang bulat dipanggil ball, termasuk watermelon)
4. Couch (ajaib, mummy tidak menyangka sama sekali anakanda hafal perkataan couch)
5. Table
6. Bed
7. Clock
8. Tree
9. Swing
13. Telephone
15. Book
16. Bear (Teddy bear)
Lagi 10 kad, apabila Mummy sebut perkataan pada flash card, Nadirah akan tersenyum dan hanya memberi respon - "hmmmm". Abi yang menjadi "chair" Nadirah pula bertepuk sekuat hati jika Nadirah berjaya meneka dan menyebut perkataan yang tertera dengan betul. Our PomPomBoy.
Ok Nadirah, malam ni sambung lagi 10 kad ya sayang. You can do it!
5. Table
6. Bed
7. Clock
8. Tree
9. Swing
13. Telephone
15. Book
16. Bear (Teddy bear)
Lagi 10 kad, apabila Mummy sebut perkataan pada flash card, Nadirah akan tersenyum dan hanya memberi respon - "hmmmm". Abi yang menjadi "chair" Nadirah pula bertepuk sekuat hati jika Nadirah berjaya meneka dan menyebut perkataan yang tertera dengan betul. Our PomPomBoy.
Ok Nadirah, malam ni sambung lagi 10 kad ya sayang. You can do it!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dan (ingatlah) ketika syaitan menjadikan terasa indah bagi mereka perbuatan (dosa) mereka dan mengatakan, "Tidak ada (orang) yang dapat mengalahkan kamu pada hari ini, dan sungguh aku adalah penolongmu." Maka ketika kedua pasukan itu telah saling melihat (berhadapan), syaitan balik ke belakang seraya berkata, "Sesungguhnya aku berlepas diri dari kamu; aku dapat melihat apa yang kamu tidak dapat melihat; sesungguhnya aku takut kepada Allah." Allah sangat keras siksa-Nya. Al-Anfal:48
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila kamu bertemu pasukan (musuh), maka berteguh hatilah dan sebutlah (nama) Allah banyak-banyak (berzikir dan berdoa) agar kamu beruntung. Al-Anfal:45
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"Dan jika mereka berpaling, maka ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya Allah pelindungmu. Dia adalah sebaik-baik pelindung dan sebaik-baik penolong." Al-Anfal:40
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Menghirup Udara Pesantren Bandung
![]() | ||||||||||
Speaking of choices again
The 10kg Maryam is always testing my nerve, Astagfirullah. Ever since we moved in to a new house, carrying her up and down and around the house is somewhat draining out my no-more-energy soon I reached home. Plus, she just want Emi, Ami, Mimi and Mi only when I'm around. That's so sweeeet dear. :-)
Should I spend RM420 on Scootababy Hip Carrier or RM399 on Ergo Sports Black?
I'm not sure if New Carrier is included in 2011 budget last Friday. I wish.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Antara 2 Pilihan Rumah
Dalam kehidupan kita, seringkali tiba waktu yang mana kita perlu membuat pilihan antara dua, A atau B. Contohnya, ke mana mahu dituju pada cuti sekolah akan datang, Port Dickson atau A Famosa Resort, masak lemak atau sambal tumis, baju merah atau baju biru dan pelbagai kombinasi lagi.
Namun manusia selalu terlupa suatu aspek yang penting dalam membuat pilihan. Masing-masing lebih cenderung kepada pilihan hati yang selalunya bertunjangkan nafsu. Alangkah moleknya jika di hati kita dilengkapi sensor yang sentiasa dapat mengesan pilihan Allah, bukan pilihan nafsu semata.
Membuat pilihan untuk membeli antara 2 buah rumah (untuk tinggal sendiri):
Rumah A: 2 tingkat, 25x75, lot tepi (corner), rumah baru, jauh dari Masjid/Surau, tiada khariah surau
Rumah B: 2 tingkat, 20x65, lot tengah (intermediate), rumah lama, boleh berjalan ke Masjid/Surau, khariah surau yang aktif
Hakikatnya rumah A sangat menarik kerana pertama, ianya rumah baru yang pastinya "tidak secomot" rumah yang dibeli atas orang. Kedua, saiznya yang lebih besar dan mempunyai tanah di tepi rumah untuk projek lanskap.
Rumah B adalah jauh lebih kecil, memerlukan wang tambahan jika mahu diubahsuai untuk menjadi lebih selesa seperti Rumah A.
Walaubagaimanapun, jika kita memilih rumah A, kemungkinan besar kita telah meminggirkan dan menyukarkan kewajipan suami dan anak-anak lelaki kita untuk menunaikan solat berjemaah di surau/masjid setiap waktu. Perkara ini kurang diambil pusing apabila kita memilih rumah idaman kerana kita yakin asalkan solat 5 waktu, ia sudah memadai.
Peringatan untuk diri, carilah rumah yang boleh kudengar azan berkumandang, boleh berlari suami ke surau apabila terjaga ketika azan Subuh berkumandang, sempat berbuka puasa di rumah sebelum bersolat Magrib di surau dan komitmen tinggi khariah surau untuk mengimarahkan rumah Allah. Ya Allah, Engkau ketemukan aku dengan rumah yang menjadikan kami, penghuninya cinta akan rumah-Mu, bukannya leka di dalam rumah sendiri. Makhbulkanlah doaku ini Ya Allah.
Apabila memilih rumah, pilihlah rumah yang dekat dengan rumah-Nya.
Bandung is calling
Bandung call is finally here.
Help is needed.
Tips, Hotels, Dos, Donts, Shopping, Attraction etc are most welcome.
Real people. Real story.
Help is needed.
Tips, Hotels, Dos, Donts, Shopping, Attraction etc are most welcome.
Real people. Real story.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Our Story:Jalur Lebar
We started off with this:
But since most of the time I had to this: (I'm serious, tell ya)
Then we decided to POTONG..
And try this:
Which turned out to be this:
Moved on, we subscribed to this fella...
and the speed is almost like above, but better than the rest we've tried..
Until yesterday, he came to our house...
to STAY!
Mr Unifi, we've fired 3 of your competitors. Make sure you proof to us that you're second to none. Else, out of the board room.
Owner of all the pictures above, thank you so much!
Friday, September 24, 2010
PakPoi and Nadirah
Nadirah calls this guy - Poi. Pak di pangkal nama sudah hilang. Many people said that Nadirah has a close resemblance of Epoi. And on the other hand they said Epoi look like my dear Arwah Abah. Conclusion: Nadirah looks like Arwah Tok Shaarani, the person that will love Nadirah dearly if he's still around.
As a record, they are still times that I call Nadirah as Epoi. Weird eh? I don't know when it's going to over/stop.
This picture was taken at Tok Pandak's house in Padang Rengas, Perak on Day 2 of Syawal. I really love this picture. It has the essence of love and life. Thank you PakCik Meme for the gorgeous composition and sharing it with us :-)
Kepada PakPoi, selamat menimba ilmu kedoktoran dan keakhiratan di Warsaw. Nantikan kami tiba di sana! Amin.
As a record, they are still times that I call Nadirah as Epoi. Weird eh? I don't know when it's going to over/stop.
This picture was taken at Tok Pandak's house in Padang Rengas, Perak on Day 2 of Syawal. I really love this picture. It has the essence of love and life. Thank you PakCik Meme for the gorgeous composition and sharing it with us :-)
Kepada PakPoi, selamat menimba ilmu kedoktoran dan keakhiratan di Warsaw. Nantikan kami tiba di sana! Amin.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Buat Duit Dengan Rumah - Tuan SK
Last ramadhan was the very month Mr J and I managed to read and "khatam" many books that were originally qeued in our reading list. The reading momentum is still on till now, alhamdulillah. Moga-moga ole-ole Ramadhan ini dapat diteruskan sehingga akhir hayat. Amin.
Books are fun! Books are great!
Anyway, Mr J and I reading lists are equal so we take turns. Due to that, we have to speed up to make sure we can finish on time. Normally Mr J will bring back few books to SGMT and does his reading peacefully for the rest of the weekdays there. On weekends, we exchanged books.
Anyway, I'd like to share a book on property investment which I started @ KT last week. Buit Duit Dengan Rumah is a very informative and awesome book for those who want to invest in property. Books on property that I've read/seen before are mostly US based scenarios, so there are parts that I found quite difficult to digest. On the other hand, the book written by Tuan Shamsuddin Kadir (Tuan SK) is very down to earth, in line to Malaysian property market and directly connected with our Deen. Masya-Allah. I've never seen a book on investment that emphasize precisely what us as a Muslim should do and shouldn't do in the process of buying property. Perfect! Thumbs up to Tuan SK for his effort in educating Malaysian Muslims to be more vigilant and "Smart Kaya" through his books.
There's a chapter in the book about a mindful father that brings me close to tears. I think the 2nd last chapter of the book. Probably because I read it with ME in mind, and it touches me as if I am one of the characters in the story.
Those who are reading this entry, I'd like to encourage you to get the book and r.e.a.d. Like what Barney says in his song - "Books are Fun" :
Let's sit down with a book today.
Books are fun! Books are great!
Is it book time yet? Oh, I just can't wait..
To read a book.
Do you know why I love to read a book?
Why I get so happy every time I take a look?'
Cause books can take me anywhere that I want to go.
Books help my imagination grow.
Full lyrics here.
"Books help my imagination grow." Not just that, book helps our money grow! I leave you girls with that thought and am now continue with Tuan SK other book, "Kaya Dengan Rumah".
Happy reading!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Homemade Soy Drink: Made with love
Last Sunday, the cooking team (yes, it's a team now = Abi, Mummy, Hasanah, Nadirah + Opah&Epoi acting as food critic) has successfully produced our first batch of Soy Drink from our dear kitchen. 1st attempt and it was a success! It's not rocket science like I always thought.
Ingredient: Soy, water, sugar and pandan leaves (100g of soy : 1 litre of water)
The soy was soaked overnight and we then peeled off the skin - yes, each one! (the most painful part of the process) I think Nadirah was the only one who enjoyed this peeling process cause she got a big license to wet her clothing without Mummy being angry at her.
Blend them. Then strained the soy milk through a fine-mesh strainer into the pot. (or any clean baby-lampin like material).
Finally bring to a boil over low-high heat and sweeten to taste. Don't forget to put pandan leaves for a fresh, yummy aroma.
The verdict: Very delicious alhamdulillah! Epoi said it taste like Yeos (he's exaggerating!)
If any of you have a better recipe, let me know. I'd like to experiment more.
Memory @ Eiffel Tower
Family shot of Eiffel Tower Paris.
That's the shorter version of the tower.
Taken at Windows of The World, Shenzhen, China. (July 2010)
I don't dare to wear a straw hat in Paris, anyway. ;-)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Little Red Riding Hood
Our Lil Red Riding Hood, posing @ Masjid Muaz b Jabal while waiting for Abi. We were on the way to beraya @ Dr Sam's house.
Seeing her in this red and white strawberry patch dress reminds me of lil Red Riding Hood + Snow White.
Raya 2010 Updates
Raya was great Alhamdulillah! Celebrated 1st 3 days of Syawal at Perak and off to Tanjung, KT on day 3. Day 5 we drove back to Kuantan. Managed to enjoy the sandy beach at Pantai Batu Hitam, cooking meal together w the sisters and visited zoo Teruntum with “No No No!” and family. All in all, priceless! But the best of all is the moment I entered Arwah Tok Pandak’s nostalgic house. The last time I was there was probably 10 years ago! Masya-Allah. Thanks to Tok Mat& Opah Cho for renovating the house and taking care of it. I’m looking forward to go back to kampong again insya-Allah. Mandi air telaga is 2nd to none. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for the wonderful experience. *bliss*
Eik-Mubarak! (@ Perak)
Abis and daughters @ Batu Hitam
@Zoo Teruntum
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ramadhan comes to end
Aidilfitri datang lagi,
Ramadhan pula mengundur diri,
Malam kini sunyi sepi,
Tanpa Ramadhan peneman hati.
Taqabbalallahuminna waminkum...
Eid Mubarak.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Overdraft Bank Untuk Pembiayaan ASB
Semua orang mahu menjadi senang. Lagi mengujakan jika kesenangan dapat mencapai tanpa perlu mengeluarkan modal sendiri atau atas usaha orang lain. Pendek kata, bisnes tanpa modal, tanpa risiko dan sentiasa untung adalah bisnes ideal yang diimpikan oleh pencinta wang. (jika ada).
Untuk mencapai kesenangan secara mudah, tanpa perlu fikir bersusah payah dan tanpa modal, ramai yang "terpedaya" dengan kaedah Overdraft (OD) untuk melabur di dalam ASB. Sudah kerapkali saya mendengar kenalan/kenalan kepada kenalan yang bersungguh-sungguh menggunakan teknik ini dan respon mereka - berjaya menjana keuntungan. Wallahualam.
Status kehalalan/keharaman ASB tidak mahu saya bincangkan di sini, cukuplah dengan perbincangan matang dan panjang lebar dalam website UZAR sebagai rujukan. Persoalannya di sini, bolehkah menggunakan Overdraft Bank yang tidak Islamik untuk pembiayaan ASB? Apabila soalan ini ditanya kepada UZAR:
Soalan: Apa hukum kalau kita convert simpanan ASB kepada sijil dan apply OVERDRAFT Facilities kat mana - mana bank?
UZAR : Hampir semua overdraft facility adalah riba dan haram. Overdarft yang halal ada ditawarkan oleh Maybank islamic dan RHB Islamic Bank setakat pengetahuan saya.
Bagaimana pula jika anda sudah melibatkan diri di dalam urusniaga riba' seperti ini? Adakah jalan keluar untuk melangsaikan pinjaman berasaskan riba' secepat mungkin sebelum malaikatul maut datang menjemput? Ramai yang selama ini tidak sedar bahawa mereka sudah terjebak dengan dosa riba'. Ini kerana nasihat kewangan Islam sebegini tidak dibekalkan oleh kebanyakan ibu bapa (kerana kekurangan ilmu agama) dan kurikulum agama di sekolah juga tidak membantu.
UZAR ada menulis artikel bertajuk "Ingin Kemudahan Wang Secara Halal?" pada Mei 2007. Samada maklumat tentang bank berkenaan masih "valid" atau tidak, saya kurang arif. Namun ini mungkin salah satu daripada Exit Plan Strategy yang boleh diambil mereka yang mahu melepaskan diri dari dosa besar riba'.
Suka saya mahu kongsikan pendapat Tuan Shamsuddin Kadir, penulis 6 buah buku, antaranya "Hidup Tenang Walaupun Berhutang" berhubung masalah OD untuk ASB ini.
Untuk mencapai kesenangan secara mudah, tanpa perlu fikir bersusah payah dan tanpa modal, ramai yang "terpedaya" dengan kaedah Overdraft (OD) untuk melabur di dalam ASB. Sudah kerapkali saya mendengar kenalan/kenalan kepada kenalan yang bersungguh-sungguh menggunakan teknik ini dan respon mereka - berjaya menjana keuntungan. Wallahualam.
Status kehalalan/keharaman ASB tidak mahu saya bincangkan di sini, cukuplah dengan perbincangan matang dan panjang lebar dalam website UZAR sebagai rujukan. Persoalannya di sini, bolehkah menggunakan Overdraft Bank yang tidak Islamik untuk pembiayaan ASB? Apabila soalan ini ditanya kepada UZAR:
Soalan: Apa hukum kalau kita convert simpanan ASB kepada sijil dan apply OVERDRAFT Facilities kat mana - mana bank?
UZAR : Hampir semua overdraft facility adalah riba dan haram. Overdarft yang halal ada ditawarkan oleh Maybank islamic dan RHB Islamic Bank setakat pengetahuan saya.
Bagaimana pula jika anda sudah melibatkan diri di dalam urusniaga riba' seperti ini? Adakah jalan keluar untuk melangsaikan pinjaman berasaskan riba' secepat mungkin sebelum malaikatul maut datang menjemput? Ramai yang selama ini tidak sedar bahawa mereka sudah terjebak dengan dosa riba'. Ini kerana nasihat kewangan Islam sebegini tidak dibekalkan oleh kebanyakan ibu bapa (kerana kekurangan ilmu agama) dan kurikulum agama di sekolah juga tidak membantu.
UZAR ada menulis artikel bertajuk "Ingin Kemudahan Wang Secara Halal?" pada Mei 2007. Samada maklumat tentang bank berkenaan masih "valid" atau tidak, saya kurang arif. Namun ini mungkin salah satu daripada Exit Plan Strategy yang boleh diambil mereka yang mahu melepaskan diri dari dosa besar riba'.
Suka saya mahu kongsikan pendapat Tuan Shamsuddin Kadir, penulis 6 buah buku, antaranya "Hidup Tenang Walaupun Berhutang" berhubung masalah OD untuk ASB ini.
Shamsuddin Kadir Apabila kita menerima RM 50 dari seseorang kita tidak dapat bezakan sama ada duit itu adalah duit halal ataupun duit yang dihasilkan melalui sistem Riba. Walau bagaimanapun duit haram itu tetap dapat dilihat secara jelas dan terang bermula kita disemadikan di liang lahad. Berhati-hati dengan perlaburan yang berlandaskan overdraft yang tidak islamik yang disandarkan kepada ASB. Kaya di mata dunia, Muflis di Akhirat.
‘Wahai orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah, dan tinggalkanlah saki baki RIBA jika kamu beriman, jika kamu engkar, maka istiharkanlah perang terhadap Allah dan Rasulnya.” Ayat 277 - 278 Al-Baqarah (untuk bacaan sepenuhnya rujuk kepada Terjemahan Al-Quran).
Ini adalah ayat yang menunjukkan dosa yang Tuhan paling marah. Itu kata Imam Maliki. Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan untuk kita membebaskan dan membersihkan kita dari sisa ataupun saki baki riba yang ada dalam diri kita. Semoga nyawa kita tidak diambil dalam masa kita masih tidak sempat menutup akaun-akaun RIBA.
Iman Hanifa memaklumkan, inilah ayat yang beliau paling takut untuk membacanya, di akhirat nanti, manusia-manusia yang mengambil dan menyokong institusi berlandaskan riba untuk dibunuh seperti mana pengistiharan perang oleh Allah dalam Al-Quran.
Sumber: 16 Ogos 2010
Chinese Curriculum Content for Little Reader
Abi, am I allowed to request for this as Nadirah's 2-year-young birthday present? :-D
I'm drooling.
About the Product:
The Little Reader Chinese Curriculum will help you teach your young child to recognize thousands of Simplified Chinese characters, understand their meanings, and to learn to speak Mandarin.
During the 12-month duration of the course, your child will progress from learning single characters all the way up to complete stories. Using Little Reader's Pattern Phonics™ system, the Chinese Curriculum will also familiarize your child with the pinyin system (Mandarin phonetics), setting the foundations for further learning of Mandarin in the future.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah petang tadi, saya sempat mendengar Daurah @
Seorang pemanggil menelefon ke konti dan bertanyakan soalan kepada Ustaz yang mengendalikan Daurah. Soalannya berbunyi,"Ustaz, bagaimana kita boleh mengenali ciri-ciri orang yang bertaqwa? Adakah kita dapat lihat pada luaran fizikal samada orang itu bertaqwa atau tidak?"
Dalam hati berkata,"Menarik soalan ini."
Ulasa Ustaz agak panjang namun secara ringkasnya berbunyi begini, "Orang yang bertaqwa adalah orang yang sentiasa takut kepada Allah. Jika orang itu mengatakan dirinya bertaqwa, namun pada masa yang sama bersolat lewat, (bukan pada awal waktu) perbuatan itu tidak selari dengan sifat taqwa."
Hati terus berkata,"Astagfirullah. Ampunkan dosa-dosa ku bersolat lewat Ya Allah. Aku masih belum mempunyai ciri-ciri orang bertaqwa."
Ya Allah, mudah-mudahan jadikan Ramadhan ini ruang bagiku untuk membina ketaqwaan kepadaMu. Ampunkan dosa-dosaku Ya Allah. Amin.
Seorang pemanggil menelefon ke konti dan bertanyakan soalan kepada Ustaz yang mengendalikan Daurah. Soalannya berbunyi,"Ustaz, bagaimana kita boleh mengenali ciri-ciri orang yang bertaqwa? Adakah kita dapat lihat pada luaran fizikal samada orang itu bertaqwa atau tidak?"
Dalam hati berkata,"Menarik soalan ini."
Ulasa Ustaz agak panjang namun secara ringkasnya berbunyi begini, "Orang yang bertaqwa adalah orang yang sentiasa takut kepada Allah. Jika orang itu mengatakan dirinya bertaqwa, namun pada masa yang sama bersolat lewat, (bukan pada awal waktu) perbuatan itu tidak selari dengan sifat taqwa."
Hati terus berkata,"Astagfirullah. Ampunkan dosa-dosa ku bersolat lewat Ya Allah. Aku masih belum mempunyai ciri-ciri orang bertaqwa."
Ya Allah, mudah-mudahan jadikan Ramadhan ini ruang bagiku untuk membina ketaqwaan kepadaMu. Ampunkan dosa-dosaku Ya Allah. Amin.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Teaching Nadirah Mandarin
I'll take pictures of the kit and put them here soon Insya-Allah. I think I'm enjoying the lesson even more than her. :-) Although the pen speaks mandarin very clearly and fluently, but at times it can be very confusing so I always double check with my mentor@my colleague for the correct pronunciation.
I attended a course about our great brain in Sri Kembangan last month. From there I learnt that when we were born, all the knowledge in the world is already installed in our unconscious brain, including languages. It's a matter of time and how you utilize the knowledge within you and so that you could actually extract the things you already know from your unconscious mind and apply it in our life. So that makes me feel more confident to start something fresh and knew. For example ventures into new hobby, start learning new language. Ageing is now something is the past. Your brain is your future.
So this week, this is what Nadirah learnt these 8 words: (hopefully)
+ daddy + mummy + grandpa + grandma + uncle + aunty + brother + sister +
Looking forward for our next lesson and Insya-Allah I'll update the progress here.
Learning a foreign language is easier, such as Chinese, when understanding how you learn. The science of learning is based on several theories and include: multiple intelligences, right-brain/left-brain/whole-brain, and brain-based learning. Understanding how you learn new information becomes the keystone to effective study patterns and habits. Many people who attempt to learn a new language give up, primarily because they pick a program that does not fit their learning style. These people unknowingly try to fit their learning style into a program. From MyChineseLesson
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Nadirah's 4th day at school was her last.
When I took her home that day, her body was "dedar". I still drag her to Kauthsar that night for Tarawikh prayer. She refused to play with her usual friends at the surau and remained intact with Mummy.
We didn't stay for tazkirah after Tarawikh because she was too cranky and Kakak Hasanah couldn't handle her cry anymore. I put her to sleep early and knew that I won't be sending her to school the day after. Ibu Mai came over that night after the tazkirah. She passed to my mom remedy for Nadirah, prepared by Ayah.
Before Azan subuh, Ibu gave me a call.
"Mummy, (she calls me Mummy and I call her Ibu) Nadirah macam mana? Ok ke?"
"Semalam badan dedar sikit, sekarang macam dah ok cuma tinggal batuk."
"Mummy hantar Nadirah rumah Ibulah hari ni. Ibu dah buat istikharah. Dari semalam nak telefon Mummy tapi dah malam sangat. Doalah Allah beri kekuatan pada Ibu. Ini sudah takdir Allah pada Ibu."
"Ok Ibu, hari ni Mummy hantar Nadirah rumah Ibu."
That conversation ended her school days.
Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.
When I took her home that day, her body was "dedar". I still drag her to Kauthsar that night for Tarawikh prayer. She refused to play with her usual friends at the surau and remained intact with Mummy.
We didn't stay for tazkirah after Tarawikh because she was too cranky and Kakak Hasanah couldn't handle her cry anymore. I put her to sleep early and knew that I won't be sending her to school the day after. Ibu Mai came over that night after the tazkirah. She passed to my mom remedy for Nadirah, prepared by Ayah.
Before Azan subuh, Ibu gave me a call.
"Mummy, (she calls me Mummy and I call her Ibu) Nadirah macam mana? Ok ke?"
"Semalam badan dedar sikit, sekarang macam dah ok cuma tinggal batuk."
"Mummy hantar Nadirah rumah Ibulah hari ni. Ibu dah buat istikharah. Dari semalam nak telefon Mummy tapi dah malam sangat. Doalah Allah beri kekuatan pada Ibu. Ini sudah takdir Allah pada Ibu."
"Ok Ibu, hari ni Mummy hantar Nadirah rumah Ibu."
That conversation ended her school days.
Hanya Allah yang Maha Mengetahui.
Terima kasih Ustaz atas peringatan yang sangat baik.
"Doa Ajaran Ilahi" terbitan PTS Islamika telah saya beli seminggu sebelum Ramadhan. Sangat menarik dan penerangan tentang doa-doa yang dipetik dari Al-Quran sungguh jelas dan sangat memudahkan kita untuk mempraktikkannya. Saiznya kecil dan tidak terlampau tebal, sangat sesuai dibawa ke mana-mana.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Jom pergi UK!
I must admit that I'm so "terkecur" (pinjam perkataan Bert) seeing this. Air-Asia is having the so called
Xtraordinary SALE! to few destinations, travelling from 1 April 2011 - 11 August 2011. Booking period is now till 19 August. Argh. If I have a time machine and can tell whether I'm still alive, sehat, not pregnant, boss approved leave, annual leave still available, enough money to tour Europe etc, I'll definitely grab this one. Huhu.
Ini menunjukkan betapa kerdil dan hinanya kita di sisi Allah. Sedangkan hari esok pun belum tentu ada untuk kita, inikan tahun hadapan. Moga Allah terima amal ibadah di bulan mulia ini, diberi keampunan, dimakhbulkan segala doa dan tercapai segala hajat yang baik. Dimasukkan ke dalam syurga, terlepas daripada seksaan kubur dan api neraka.
Ya Allah Ya Rabb, kepadaMu ku pohon keampunan. Janganlah Engkau masukkan diriku ke dalam golongan yang melampaui batas Ya Allah.
Ya Allah Ya Rabb, kepadaMu ku pohon keampunan. Janganlah Engkau masukkan diriku ke dalam golongan yang melampaui batas Ya Allah.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Mutiara Ramadhan
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak dari Mummy. Abi and Nadirah. Semoga di bulan yang mulia ini ibadah kita diterima, doa-doa dimakhbulkan dan dosa-dosa diampunkan.
Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, "Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven." (Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying regarding Ramadan, "Whoever prayed at night in it (the month of Ramadan) out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven." (Sahih Bukhari)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Nadirah @ School
This is Nadirah's 2nd week @ School or to be exact, her very 4th day. Last week she went to school for 2 days only since Mummy was on MC/annual leave.
At first we thought she gonna like going to school very much, making friends and play all day long with little midgets of her age, but then it turned out that she is very much like Mummy when I was first sent to school eon years ago. I hope not. I hope it was just my nightmare.
When I passed her to "Ibu" yesterday, she cried and tried to pull her body away from Ibu and grabbed Mummy. Sungguh drama queen. I just had to leave and listened her crying her tongue out from my car.
Then when I picked her up from school, as always she was frowning and hanging tight to one of the Ibus. When she set her eyes on me, immediately she smiled. Her misery is now all gone.
Nadirah is in the same class with Fahry. Lyna said, when she sent her superkids this morning, Nadirah was melalak again. Ibu said she'll cry every time they open the door. Probably she was hoping that Mummy will show up and nope, that's not my Mummy!
Sabarlah sayang. Mummy and Abi will 'bubble' you every now and then and Insya-Allah going to school will be so much fun if you try to give it a chance, kay!
At first we thought she gonna like going to school very much, making friends and play all day long with little midgets of her age, but then it turned out that she is very much like Mummy when I was first sent to school eon years ago. I hope not. I hope it was just my nightmare.
When I passed her to "Ibu" yesterday, she cried and tried to pull her body away from Ibu and grabbed Mummy. Sungguh drama queen. I just had to leave and listened her crying her tongue out from my car.
Then when I picked her up from school, as always she was frowning and hanging tight to one of the Ibus. When she set her eyes on me, immediately she smiled. Her misery is now all gone.
Nadirah is in the same class with Fahry. Lyna said, when she sent her superkids this morning, Nadirah was melalak again. Ibu said she'll cry every time they open the door. Probably she was hoping that Mummy will show up and nope, that's not my Mummy!
Sabarlah sayang. Mummy and Abi will 'bubble' you every now and then and Insya-Allah going to school will be so much fun if you try to give it a chance, kay!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Knock knock knock..
Knock knock knock..
I think I want to start writing back.
Welcome home!
Friday, March 26, 2010
March 25th
Yesterday was my birthday.
Azra and Rina, thanks for the birthday SMS!
My boss gave 2 'birthday surprises' by asking me to go to 2 different meetings on his behalf. How kewl is that.
And on my birthday, since boss is not around and Sr Engrs were away too for a course, boss 'gave' (read:tiada pilihan) me the 'honour' to sign SSA report, 1st time ever the report has my sign on it. Nothing special really because it's just a daily security assessment report, but since it happened on my birthday, so it's something worth to remember. (at least to me. Hehe)
What else? Oh ya, I received a poem from an unexpected colleague, the PA to ChiefEngr entitled "A Best Friend..". I'm not sure I want to cry or laugh. But I am touched, really.
The heavy tornado+rain in the evening complement my birth-Day and that was the very day my house was half-drowned with the rain.
I ended the night with going to Kautsar w Ibu, Mak and Nadirah and the Ustaz shared a slide- show showing pictures of orang2 teramat miskin in Kedah. Their houses don't look like a house at all, their hardship to bring up the family, their determination to send their children to school etc, make me feel how lucky I am here, at this age, with my career, beautiful hubby and baby, apartment that definitely look like a home even after the heavy rain, good health, etc, thinking all these make feel I should be a very good servant to Allah for the bountiful nikmat He gives me dari lahir sampai sekarang. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. Masukkanlah aku dalam golongan yang bersyukur dengan nikmat Mu. Amin.
2 hours before March 25th ended, Abang arrived :* Thanks for the wishes and prayers. Semoga berkekalan sampai ke syurga Amin..
Anyway, the best part of the day is the morning of my birthday.
Before I went to work, after sending Nadirah to Ibu's, seperti biasa salam Mak. But since it was hari luar biasa, I said to mak and hug her..
"Mak, hari ni birthday akak. Terima kasih mak lahirkan akak dulu. Halalkan segala apa yang mak dah bagi pada akak ye."
Mak replied.."Ha'ah la, birthday kamu. Mak pun dah terlupa.."
She held my hand.
"Mak doakan kamu dapat ramai anak, Ja pindah KL, murah rezeki.." (mcm panjang lg but the first two yang aku sangat ingat..)
The best morning ever!
Azra and Rina, thanks for the birthday SMS!
My boss gave 2 'birthday surprises' by asking me to go to 2 different meetings on his behalf. How kewl is that.
And on my birthday, since boss is not around and Sr Engrs were away too for a course, boss 'gave' (read:tiada pilihan) me the 'honour' to sign SSA report, 1st time ever the report has my sign on it. Nothing special really because it's just a daily security assessment report, but since it happened on my birthday, so it's something worth to remember. (at least to me. Hehe)
What else? Oh ya, I received a poem from an unexpected colleague, the PA to ChiefEngr entitled "A Best Friend..". I'm not sure I want to cry or laugh. But I am touched, really.
The heavy tornado+rain in the evening complement my birth-Day and that was the very day my house was half-drowned with the rain.
I ended the night with going to Kautsar w Ibu, Mak and Nadirah and the Ustaz shared a slide- show showing pictures of orang2 teramat miskin in Kedah. Their houses don't look like a house at all, their hardship to bring up the family, their determination to send their children to school etc, make me feel how lucky I am here, at this age, with my career, beautiful hubby and baby, apartment that definitely look like a home even after the heavy rain, good health, etc, thinking all these make feel I should be a very good servant to Allah for the bountiful nikmat He gives me dari lahir sampai sekarang. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. Masukkanlah aku dalam golongan yang bersyukur dengan nikmat Mu. Amin.
2 hours before March 25th ended, Abang arrived :* Thanks for the wishes and prayers. Semoga berkekalan sampai ke syurga Amin..
Anyway, the best part of the day is the morning of my birthday.
Before I went to work, after sending Nadirah to Ibu's, seperti biasa salam Mak. But since it was hari luar biasa, I said to mak and hug her..
"Mak, hari ni birthday akak. Terima kasih mak lahirkan akak dulu. Halalkan segala apa yang mak dah bagi pada akak ye."
Mak replied.."Ha'ah la, birthday kamu. Mak pun dah terlupa.."
She held my hand.
"Mak doakan kamu dapat ramai anak, Ja pindah KL, murah rezeki.." (mcm panjang lg but the first two yang aku sangat ingat..)
The best morning ever!
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