Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Bugsy!

My fav picture, @ TKMaxx i think.

Dearest Bugsy,

You are my longest ever schoolmate/classmate in the universe. From high school to a-level to university. Hoho. Where there is assie, there must be a bugsy. Huhuhu. Thanks for being a great friend all along, I really mean it. Happy birthday Bugs!! Here are our picturesss of 4 long years in Sot0n..wahlau fehlong mode pulakkkksss.. Bila mau dtg rumah? kalau datang bawak la sebalang dua kuih raye ye.

Bugs - she's a unique person because she's a talking human bug. She is singular but her name is plural. Bugs, stay the bugs you are ok.

@ Stonehenge - 3rd Year

Us crossing a road @ Stockholm - 3rd Year

Boxing day @ Soton - final year. All my skinny jeans are in the dungeon.

Can't remember panggil tpt ni ape. Ape eh? - final year

@ town after shopping - final year. Gosh. I can't wear both blouse and jeans anymore. What's the number to call for Slimworld yah?

@ IKEA London - 3rd Year. Borong sampai patah tangan mengangkat barang. I was wearing GAP Kid shirt which is also a history now. Where's the nearest Slimworld in W.Maju anyone?

PhotoRaya session, final year.

@ Farewell BBQ MSA for us final year.

Very very final year. Both are doing their phD. Aku ntah la biler nak buat. Dalam mimpi je la.

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.

-Katharine Mansfiel-

Ramadan Moon

A very beautiful song from I Look I See 2. I lurve it so much! Just sang the song for nadirah while listening to the DVD. Ramadan is here, Masya-Allah.. Say it out loud that we want this Ramadan to be much2 better than the previous yearss and treat it as our very last Ramadan. May Allah grant us many more years to live in this Barakah holy month.

Selamat berpuasa semua dari kami sekeluarga. Maaf salah silap jika ada and mari sama2 jayakan Karnival Ibadah Sure-Insaf selama sebulan ni dengan Konsert Al-Quran dan Pencarian Lailatul Qadar Idol. Ya Allah, pilihlah kami untuk bertemu dengan malam itu. Amin amin amin ya rabbal 'alamin..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Day: Morning

Nadirah's having breakfast. Looks like Mummy and Abi punye mulut pun mcm nak makan gakss..

Bersungguh-sungguh Mummy suap Nadirah..

I'm full..I want Beriani Gam Mummy.

Cucu sulungku yang tersayang

kawan2 Opah datang ramai2 memeriahkan keheningan pagi

To be continued..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Day Before

Saturday 010809.. We reached Stwn around 1130am; an hour later, MIL, SIL and family arrived.

K Zan, Hanis, K Wati and Liyana

"Nadirah x ingat dekat Wan ke? Dulu kan Wan yg jaga Nadirah masa Mummy pergi BTN?"
"Tak ingatt! Tak kenal! Mana Mummyyyyy?!!"
She's so afraid of unfamiliar faces..isk iskk..

Pelamin dah siap pasang. For photography session purposes only. Mahal sungguh backdrop.. hoho..

Family pengantin lelaki datang dinner at our house..

Abi n Nadirah tdo depan pelamin..

Dah tengah malam ni Nadirah, nape terjage pulak ni.. Mummy geletek diyeee...

To be continued..

H1N1 and Acidic Food

I got this from a forwarded email of my biras, and I was not surprise when the Prof's founding is to consume more alkaline food and drink because high acidity in our body may weaken our immune system, thus making the body more vulnerable to any kind of diseases including H1N1.

In actual fact, the Prophet Rasulullah saw has portrayed his action of consuming alkaline food/drink in many hadeeth as a leading example for us. For instance, Air Zam-zam is highly alkaline and the miracle of the zam zam water is unquestionable. Besides that, Rasulullah also loved goat's milk and science have proven that goat's milk is alkaline in nature, just like Mom's milk whereas cow's milk produce an acid reaction which promotes the growth of bacteria, fungi and virus. Read more on alkaline and acidic food here. And do you know that now goat's milk is available in powder form produced by local Muslim Bumiputera co? I can confirm you that there's no goaty stingy smell whatsoever and me and hubby love it! We add that in our Vico or Kopi Radix as a substitute to creamer - the result is fantabulous! Dah xpayah bubuh gula sbb rasa lemak susu kambing amat sedap, so save some calories from taking sugar. I'm currently taking Hiraq and HR Higoat as my daily milk intake and slowly saying goodbye to cow's milk. If and only if HnyB have to consume formula, goat's milk is definitely my 1st choice. (the price is way above the ceiling so I hope my milk is enough for all my babies forever. Hoho) My millionaire boss' baby drinks goat's milk since he was 6mo. Anak org kaye. hohoh.

Anyway, the prof suggests to drink coconut water. Read this article or visit his blog to read further. Take care peeps!

Former associate professor of ecology at Universiti Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'.

Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1).

Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralise excess acid in the body.

Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.

For example, he said, those who felt feverish and developed a burning sensation while attending to a call of nature because of extreme acidity, could neutralise it by drinking coconut water, twice a day, for three days.

He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.

According to Dr Palaniappan, excessive physical activity like running a marathon should be avoided as it produced acid due to excessive metabolic activity.

Similarly, he said, keeping late nights without adequate sleep and working without proper rest could also increase the body's acidity which in turn, lowered immunity and made the body vulnerable to viral attacks.

Dr Palaniappan's blog: discusses the therapy in more detail.

Monday, August 17, 2009

5S at home!

It has been 2 weeks. Yes two weeks without K Zan around the house to help me with tonnes of workloadssss. I just wish all the clothes know how to lipat themselves and find their own way to the wardrobe. I just wish there's a huge electromagnet field in the house that can attract/suck all the rambut gugur and habuk on the floor so that mata aku x sakit memandang and nadirah x kutip makan. I just wish the semak fridge and kitchen can do auto self cleansing. I just wish 5S campaign that we just launched at my ofiice is also applied at home. Oh yes, my house is actually has received the 5S certificate from NPC since Ice Age. The 5 'Asses' are - Sepah, Semak, Selerak, Sorok and SERABUT! HuWARGhhHh. I just can't believe how on earth can't I manage a less than 800 sqft place I call home tho I've tried hard and fail big time. Buntu. Ramadhan is around the corner and I'm going to greet the Holy Month with Kinabalu Mountain of baju x berlipat and cluttered house and my Mom is coming next week to join our jungle of mess. Great!

If you know anyone who can come over and do some makeover to my little apartment, please let me know.

Chill out mummy! I'll help you as soon as know how to walk, ok? Mwahh.

Sneak peak on the next entry:

Imah's reception at Perak, 2nd August 09.

If I got time la. 2 weeks later dah ni..




La haula wala Quwatailla billah hil'aliyil adzim.

Oh yes, Nadirah has started merangkak last Friday - 140809. Her first 2 steps forward. And that's it. Haha. Happy 7 month young sayang. :*

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pergi Tak Kembali


Vokalis kumpulan nasyid Rabbani, Ustaz Mohd Asri Ibrahim, 40, disahkan meninggal dunia kira-kira pukul 10.30 pagi tadi akibat serangan jantung ketika dalam perjalanan ke Hospital Pantai, Bangsar.

Menurut salah seorang anggota Rabbani, Mohd. Asri Baidul @ Ubaidullah, arwah jatuh pengsan semasa memberikan ucapan dalam sidang media program ‘Syahadah’ di Angkasapuri, Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) kira-kira pukul 10 pagi tadi.

Jenazah dimandikan dan dikafankan di hospital itu sebelum dibawa ke rumah arwah di Jalan Ikan Keli, Kampung Bukit Lanchong, Shah Alam untuk dikebumikan sebelum Asar.

arwah dan anak yang sangat disayanginya

arwah dan anak yang sangat disayanginya

Sementara itu, Ustaz Abdullah yang menziarahi arwah di hospital sebentar tadi sempat berkongsi pengalamannya ketika menatap wajah allahyarham

” Saya melihat sesosok tubuh yang baring telah siap dikafankan. Kain putih yang bersih dengan tangan yang diletakakan dibadan.

Saya menatap wajah sahabat saya ini. Wajahnya bersih, tersenyum. Saya membacakan fatihah kepadanya. Perlahan-lahan saya menghampiri jenazahnya, saya cium dahinya yang bersih ini. Biasanya dahi ini akan ditemankan dengan kopiah beliau.

Saya menghampiri telinga beliau, saya bisikan.

“aku saksikan, bahawa engkau telah banyak berjuang untuk agama”

Tiba-tiba saya menjadi sebak. Pada ketika itu air mata saya berlinang. Saya cuba menahannya tetapi saya tidak mampu. Saya menundukkan kepala saya, mengesat air mata yang mengalir di kelopak.

Saya cium dahinya untuk kali kedua. Kali ini saya pegang bahu beliau, saya ucapakan lagi padanya:-

“sahabat, selamat berehat”, “

bacalah selanjutnya di

arwah dan ibu kesayangannya

arwah dan ibu kesayangannya


Jenazah Ustaz Asri telah selamat dikebumikan pada jam 9.00 malam tadi di Tanah Perkuburan Islam, Seksyen 21.

Apalagi yang hendak dikatakan apabila di saat nyawanya hendak dicabut pun Ustaz Asri sempat meminta senaskah Al-Quran untuk dibaca…syurgalah hendaknya tempat mu sahabat, InsyaAllah.

Article Source: ShahrilKadir

I was so sad listening to his nasyid @ IKIM while driving this morning. Semoga Allah masukkan beliau dalam golongan hamba Allah yg soleh. Amin.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Just the 2 of us...

This is Mummy's best friend.

Getting cheekier and cheekier each day...

Good girl kene behave malam2 ok sayang..? Baik Mummy.

From now on, there are just two of us together all night long, Mon to Fri, patiently waiting for Abi to arrive every Friday night approximately around 10pm. Mummy looks after Nadirah and Nadirah take care of Mummy and wakes Mummy up for Subuh [by pulling my hair really hard, serious!] K Zan is @ K Wati's house and will going back to Tganu next Monday. Allah has made the first 6 months [long toughest months] without Abi a smooth sailing journey [ade gaks tornado once in a while] by having Mak (0-2 months) and K Zan (2-6 months) to help me all along. Now is reality. Hanya Allah yang tahu how it feels. Nadirah is behaving very good so far alhamdulillah. But, Mummy must be around her proximity +-10cm radius, else she cried out her lung, kidneys, pancreas and everything else.

Love is tough :~~[


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Progress 5 - No Progress

The result is out from VP's office. [He emailed me]

It is a BIG NO NO NO.

Alhamdulillah we didn't move anything in the house even an inch, or inform tuan rumah that we're leaving. Allah sees this is coming so He saves our sweat from doing all these.

So Progress 5 is a No Progress actually.

Allah knows best, kan? :-)

Book your lunch date with me Lana if you want to know more. I'm ok tomorrow, not Thursday and Friday.