Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Progress 3

Both letters are now with VP. It tooooooook longer than I expected for the letter to reach VP's office which is just next to mine. I hand in the letter myself to HR (T) last Monday before they escalated it to VP.

Deputy Chief Engineer: Azi3, did you go to see the HR just now?
Me: Yah, why?
DCE: Doc called me. HR called him asking whether we need a replacement for you in OS. So he asked me-la, do I need one, I said, no-lah, she's leaving just for a-year.
Me: Haah?? I don't want to come back and work here again! Ohhhh, ok. You just want to simplify the problem. Ok! Hehe. Agreed.
DCE: I just tell him, even if Azi3 coming back later jadi gileer2 ke ape ke, we still want you here.
Me: ?? Apakahhh ??

Rabbi yassir wala tu'assir. Rabbi atmim bil khair. Ya Karim, Ya Rahim, Ya Allah.

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